April 24, 2024  Facebook




Please visit our new website at www.theillawawrraflame.com.au for advertising rates

1. Rates

2. Deadlines and ad specs

3. Terms and conditions

4. Book online

5. Code of ethics

6. Special Features Calendar

Event Listings

2515's What's On page is a free service for local clubs and community groups. Priority is given to not-for-profits, however, commercial events may also be included, space permitting. For guaranteed inclusion of your event in 2508's What's On page or weekly What's On e-newletter, please contact us to book an ad by the 15th of the month prior to publication. 

Community Notices

Please submit notices by the 15th of the month prior to publication. There is no charge for short notices from local clubs and community groups, or memorials. 


Want to report a problem, highlight a local issue or simply share your story with the community? We'd love to hear from you. Please send letters (maximum 200 words) to us by the 15th of the month prior to publication.